Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Melting Icebergs

This week we have been asked to consider the implications of what happens if the polar icecaps were to melt.

Image via Vanity Fair
Could this be a stunning realization in the future? From what I have read it all depends on which icecaps are melting. From what I have read most of the ice is located on Antarctica in the South Pole and if it were to melt the sea level could rise by 61 meters, but the average temperature is around -37C and most of the continent never gets above freezing, so it seems the ice there is not being affected. The reason for the potential rise in water is due to the fact that the ice is on land. Moving to the North Pole the ice is floating in the water and the sea level would not be affected by the melting ice. Another potential problem is that the ice is mainly freshwater, while the sea is made of salt water. This would change the salinity of the water affecting the animals living in the water.

But what other consequences are there of the melting ice caps, especially those in the Artic?

Photo via Ebuam's World
The polar bears habitat is melting out from underneath them and there is evidence of polar bears drowning, starving and cub deaths. Even though the polar bear spends a great deal of time in the water, it needs the land for its lively hood. Also with the ice platforms moving father apart the swimming conditions are more dangerous. The polar bears are not the only animals affected by this. With the Artic ice melting, the cooling layer over the Artic is disappearing, the Earth then absorbs more sunlight and becomes hotter. This rise in temperature is creating an increase in the population a certain beetle in Alaska which is destroying millions of acres of the Alaskan forest. To me although there is problems with the polar icecaps melting, global warming in general is a problem


What other questions do I have about this science inquiry experience?

  • At what rate are the polar ice caps melting?
  • Is there a way to compare and contrast the land ice melting vs. the ice floating in the water melting?
  • How would the salinity be affected if this was conducted in salt water versus fresh water?
  • What are ways we can prevent global warming and equalize the Earth's temperatures so there is neither and dramatic increase or decrease in temperature?

This topic is very interesting and I am looking forward to continuing my research into the matter of the melting icecaps and global warming in general. I hope we as a society can change our attitudes and start turning things around.


  1. Hello,

    Exceptional post! The pictures are wonderful, by the way. Keep up the great work. Amy

  2. I loved the added pictures! Great job!
